Energy Transition Capital Options 2022
And where there's money to be made by deploying already existing Btu and capital expertise, the opportunity isn't being left on the table.
In this Energy Transition Capital Options special report, learn how industry members are making a business of energy transition—a market with $7 trillion of annual investment demand.
East Coast Private Equity: The View from the Northeast
Northeastern U.S. private equity investors are seeing value across the energy spectrum that now includes alternative energy and the infrastructure it needs.
Energy Transition Capital Options: All of the Btu—and CCUS
Veteran producers of the primary Btu, oil and gas, as well as longtime Btu financiers are joining to build operations in additional forms of fuel.
Energy Transition Public Equity & Debt: Joining ’Em
Oil and gas producers have an opportunity in the low-carbon future. And there’s capital—and returns—ready.
Energy Transition SPAC: From the Permian to EV
These oil and gas leaders who created a $9.7 billion Permian Basin producer in just a few years are now finding opportunity in the energy transition, beginning with electric transportation.
Going for the Green: Responsibly Sourced Gas
Producers are winning premiums for their responsibly sourced gas. But the bigger prize is in positioning their companies into sustainable investments.
Private Equity: Transition & ‘Tweeners’
Private equity investors in traditional energy are finding profit opportunities in the alt-energy value chain. But they’re not departing from oil and gas. They’re doing “all of the above.”
The Bank: Green- and ESG-based Lending
Bankers are issuing green loans as well as sustainability-linked financing to incentivize borrowers to operate with a lower carbon footprint.