The board of Urals Energy has appointed Sergey Uzornikov, the group’s CFO, interim CEO.
The deal would lessen Russia's reliance on Europe and would secure almost a fifth of the gas supplies China needs by the end of the decade.
Rosneft and CNPC have signed a framework agreement for the purchase of a 10% share stake in ZAO Vankorneft.
JKX Oil & Gas Plc has been awarded a further five-year term to its Zaplavskoye exploration license.
Songwon and its distributor UTS have signed a long-term cooperation agreement to supply SIBUR with additives used in polypropylene, polyethylene, rubbers, thermoplastic rubbers and polyvinyl chloride
Testing of well E-303 on the Elizavetovskoye Field in Ukraine indicates a gross pay of 167 m (548 ft) spread over eight reservoir horizons, JKX Oil & Gas said in a news release.
Total SA CEO Christophe de Margerie died when his airplane struck a snowplow on a Moscow runway.
Statoil has sold its 15.5% participating interest in the Shah Deniz production-sharing agreement.
The U.S. Energy Information Administration cut Poland's technologically recoverable wet shale gas reserves by 21% from a 2011 forecast.