ExxonMobil, Shell promise the government that natural gas will be available for domestic use.
Beach Energy, Santos, Strike and Senex have been named recipients of AU$24 million in grants from the South Australian government.
However, the need for more gas for power has arisen just as three new LNG export plants have opened in the northeast, tripling gas demand and drawing supply out of the domestic market, Reuters reported.
Australia-based, but Alaska-focused 88 Energy was Australian Stock Index star as the country’s oil and gas sector climbed out of a very deep hole.
The audit office questioned the eligibility of deductions claimed for the cost of debt and equity funded capital and the excise paid on crude and condensate, Reuters reported.
Terra Nova also said that the board of directors approved a change of jurisdiction from the province of Alberta to the province of British Columbia in Canada.
The goal is to maintain stable and reliable operations as consistent water flow from all four Klebb wells will accelerate. Reservoir pressure reduction will lead to increased gas flow rates.
Victoria has banned onshore gas developments including fracking, and New South Wales has restricted developments, limiting new supply, Reuters reported.
The five wells will be drilled back-to-back in the program, which will probably last about two and a half months, Bengal said.
The project pre-filed with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission in March 2015, and this process is scheduled to be completed later this year, Sempra said.