Oklahoma Reverses 25-Year Decline In Oil Production

Since Nov. 25, 2009, rig count in the state has more than doubled to 188 units.

January 7, 2013

Green Field Energy Services Conducts First-Ever Frac Pump Test Powered 100% By Field Gas

The GFES turbine frac pump was rigged up to a production well in the Granite Wash Field located in the Texas Panhandle and powered 100% by natural gas produced in the field.

January 3, 2013

Panhandle O&G's Reserves Up 12% Over 2011

Panhandle has reserves and production primarily in the Arkansas Fayetteville shale, the Southeastern Oklahoma Woodford shale, the Anadarko Basin (Cana) Woodford shale and several Western Oklahoma liquid-rich plays, including the Granite Wash.

November 7, 2012

Granite Wash Zone Shift

Don’t cry for the Granite Wash because soft natural gas liquids pricing has dampened liquids-rich economics — oil opportunities abound.

October 5, 2012

Eagle Rock Closes Acquisition Of BP's Texas Panhandle Midstream System

In addition, per the purchase agreement, Eagle Rock and BP have entered into a 20-year, fixed-fee Gas Gathering and Processing Agreement under which Eagle Rock will gather and process BP's natural gas production from the existing connected wells.

October 2, 2012

Linn Energy Drills Nine Horizontal Hogshooter Wells In Q3

To-date, the company has drilled and completed 12 Hogshooter wells with an average initial production rate of 2,110 Bbls/d of oil, 528 Bbls/d of NGLs and 3.4 MMcf/d of natural gas per well.

September 28, 2012

Unit Completes Acquisition Of Granite Wash, Marmaton Assets

The acquisition includes approximately 84,000 net acres primarily in the Granite Wash and Marmaton plays.

September 18, 2012

EnerJex Resources Unveils Cherokee Oil Resource Play, Announces New Production Milestone

Production has reached a new milestone of approximately 250 barrels of oil per day (BOPD), representing a 150% increase since the beginning of 2012 and a 750% increase since the beginning of 2011.

September 13, 2012

Plano Petroleum Beefs Up Oklahoma Production

Plano's seven completions in the Marmaton have posted an average IP of 1,014 BOEPD per well.

September 6, 2012

Crestwood Notes Volume Declines In Barnett, Fayettville

The majority of the Barnett volume reduction occurred on Crestwood's Alliance and Lake Arlington dry gas gathering systems due to delayed completions of new wells, modest amounts of economic shut-ins and the temporary shut-in of nearby wells for producer fracking operations.

August 6, 2012