
Molleston: GeoSouthern's Gamble in the Mid-Bossier Pays Off [WATCH]

Hart Energy's Nissa Darbonne sat down with Geosouthern Energy's President and CEO Meg Molleston to talk about Geosouthern's move from the Eagle Ford to the Haynesville and the obstacles the company faces moving forward with its Block 2 property. 

April 5, 2023

DUG Haynesville: Equitable Origin's Jordan Sees Potential in Responsibly-sourced Oil

Equitable Origin's Corey Jordan said he sees responsibly-sourced certifications moving past just natural gas and into other commodities such as oil in an exclusive interview with Hart Energy's Deon Daugherty at DUG Haynesville in Shreveport. 

April 2, 2023

International Players Eye Haynesville Potential Through M&A

Majors and IOCs flush with cash are eyeing the Haynesville, which could potentially gin up more M&A activity over coming years, Energy Advisors Group partner Adrian Goodisman said during Hart Energy’s DUG Haynesville conference in Shreveport, Louisiana.

April 1, 2023

DUG Haynesville: Rockliff's Alan Smith Talks Future of Haynesville, LNG [WATCH]

Nissa Darbonne spoke with Alan Smith, president and CEO of Rockcliff Energy at Hart Energy's DUG Haynesville Conference in Shreveport about the future of LNG demand and exports and the Haynesville shale play. 

March 31, 2023

Chesapeake Intentionally Reducing Haynesville Gas Production, Rigs

The Oklahoma City-based E&P is intentionally letting Haynesville natural gas production fall off this year as the industry faces a volatile supply-demand imbalance.

March 30, 2023

Haynesville to Lead Gas Production Growth in 2023

Enverus expects the Haynesville to lead gas production growth in 2023 and then fall thereafter before growing again between 2025 and 2027, Bernadette Johnson, the firm’s general Manager, said at Hart Energy’s DUG Haynesville conference in Shreveport, Louisiana.

March 30, 2023

Southwestern’s Haynesville Chief on M&A, Gulf Coast Advantages and RSG [WATCH]

Andy Huggins, senior vice president of the Haynesville division at Southwestern Energy Co. discusses M&A, how the company’s Appalachia and Haynesville assets complement each other and efforts to certify its natural gas as responsibly sourced, particularly for utilities and end-users in Europe.

March 30, 2023

DUG Haynesville: E&Ps Keeping Production Flat, Hedging Amid Gas Price Slump

Executives from E&Ps such as GeoSouthern Energy and New ASEAN Energy said they are adjusting drilling and hedging strategies in the Haynesville Shale after a rapid collapse in U.S. natural gas prices.

March 29, 2023

By Hook, Crook and Bolt-on, E&Ps Scramble to Add Inventory

Operators are adding inventory, largely through M&A, as some E&Ps see well productivity plateauing.

March 25, 2023

U.S. Drillers Add Oil and Gas Rigs for Second Week in a Row: Baker Hughes

Even though gas rig counts are currently up, analysts say drillers have been cutting rigs in some shale basins, especially the Haynesville due to higher production costs.

March 24, 2023