To acquire 38% interest of Deep Well's 80% WI in 57 contiguous sections of oil-sand leases, 6.5 sections of oil-sand permits in the Sawn Lake Block of Peace River. DWl also controls 40% WI in 12 sections oil-sand leases covering 43,964 acres.
Tamm Oil and Gas Corp., Calgary, (OTCBB: TAMO), fka Hola Communcations Inc., plans to acquire 38% interest in Deep Well Oil & Gas Inc., Calgary, (Pink Sheets: DWOG) for approximately C$7 million. Tamm will acquire 31.8 million shares of Deep Well. Deep Well owns 80% working interest in 57 contiguous sections of oil-sand leases and 6.5 sections of oil-sand permits in the Sawn Lake Block of the Peace River in Alberta. Deep Well also controls 40% working interest in another 12 sections of oil-sand leases covering 43,964 acres. Tamm recently completed the acquisition of a 2% gross overriding revenue interest of privately held 1132559 Alberta Ltd. and Muzz Investments Inc. for approximately US$10.2 million in stock. The companies hold a direct working interest of 10% in 63 sections of oil-sand leases in the Sawn Lake region.