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Bought company, gaining 6 contracts in Carbonera-La Silla, Santa Cruz, Mecaya, Arrendajo, Las Quinchas & Alhucema areas, Colombia.

Alange Energy Corp., Toronto, (Toronto Venture: ALE) has completed the acquisition of privately held Alberta-based Prospero Hydrocarbons Inc. in a deal valued at US$15.45 million. Alange has acquired the issued and outstanding securities of Prospero, and Prospero has merged with Alange's subsidiary 1434858 Alberta Ltd. Alange issued 1.662 shares per Prospero share. Former Prospero shareholders, including Alange's subsidiary Alange Corp., have received C$0.197 in cash per Prospero share by way of a return of capital. Prior to the acquisition, Alange held 31.32% of the issued capital of Prospero. Prospero's primary assets are in Colombia, consisting of six exploration and development contracts in the Carbonera-La Silla, Santa Cruz, Mecaya, Arrendajo, Las Quinchas and Alhucema areas.