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Primary now has approximately 127,000 net acres (200 net sections) in the play.

Primary Petroleum Corp., Calgary, (Toronto Venture: PIE; Pink Sheets: PETEF) has acquired 17,000 net acres Alberta Basin Bakken Fairway in western Montana from an undisclosed seller for an undisclosed price.

The purchase is a 15% increase in the fairway for Primary and the company now has approximately 127,000 net acres (200 net sections) in the play.

The company holds more than 147,000 net acres (230 sections) in two Bakken prospects in the Bakken Fairway in western Montana and in the Williston Basin northeast of Elm Coulee Bakken Field in eastern Montana.

Primary president and chief executive Mike Marrandino says, "We are very pleased and excited with our ongoing technical evaluation in the area, and can conclude with confidence that the Bakken formation is present over our lands. The logs that have been reviewed to-date show the total Bakken interval increasing in thickness to the south and estimate that the Bakken formation depth ranges from 4,000 feet to 5,000 feet. We are in the very early stages of what may become a new Bakken oil discovery in western Montana and southern Alberta, with all indications and news to-date in the area having been positive."

Primary is considering a joint venture partnership for the exploitation of its Bakken prospects in Montana.