To purchase a 25% nonoperated working interest in a 5,990-acre Permian Basin lease position.
Eagle Ford Oil & Gas Corp., Houston, (OTCBB: ECCE) plans to acquire a 25% nonoperated working interest in a 5,990-acre Permian Basin lease position in Borden County, Texas, from an undisclosed buyer.
Eagle Ford plans to drill two wells to test the productivity of the producing zones during first-quarter 2011. The property produces oil from the Mississippian fractured carbonates and Wolfberry formations. The Mississippian well is designed as a tri-lateral horizontal and the Wolfberry well will use multi-stage fracturing techniques to maximize estimated ultimate recoveries. This acreage position will support 37 additional locations.
Eagle Ford president Rick Adams says, "This acquisition represents both another step in the execution of our business strategy as well as a major expansion of our reserve position through horizontal drilling and multi-stage fracturing technologies in the Eagle Ford shale and now the fractured Mississippian carbonates and the Wolfberry formation."