Entered farmin to acquire up to 50% of TX San Miguel lease.
Eagleford Energy Inc., Toronto, (OTCBB: EFRDF) has entered a farmout agreement from surface to the base of the San Miguel formation on the Matthews lease in Zavala County, Texas, from an undisclosed buyer.
The buyer may spend up to $1.05 million on exploration and development of the San Miguel formation to earn a maximum of 42.5% working interest (31.875% net revenue interest). Also, the buyer may earn an initial 25% of the company's working interest in the San Miguel by paying 100% of the costs to drill, complete, equip and perform an injection on a vertical test well to a depth of approximately 3,500 feet (the initial test well).
After the performance of the initial test well, the buyer may increase its working interest to 50% of the company's working interest by spending the entire $1.05 million on additional operations on the San Miguel in a good faith effort to produce hydrocarbons.
The company's Matthews and Murphy leases are in northeastern Zavala County, Texas, and is part of the Maverick Basin in Southwest Texas.