Aurelain Oil & Gas Plc

Transaction Type
Bilca production area
Post Date
Estimated Price

Aurelain Oil & Gas Plchas retained Stellar Energy Advisorsto sell its interests four concessions in Romania.

The package includes 62.5% operated interest in the Bilca production area with remaining proven producing net reserves of 3.5 Bcf gas. Gas production is currently 4 million cubic feet (2.5 million net).

Potential upside exists with 254 Bcf GIIP (86 Bcf net) in the Solca prospect, on trend with Voitinel, with gas indications on seismic and successful wells by another operator in the adjacent block to the south. Additional potential exists in the Cuejdiu, Bacau and Suceava concessions operated by Aurelian.

Contact Dave Fassom, 44 (0) 20-7493-1977,