EnCana Corp.

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EnCana Corp. has retained Rundle Energy Partners to sell its interests in a major shallow gas project in the Sedalia area in the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin in southeastern Alberta. The package includes an operated average 44% working interest in approximately 72,172 gross acres of contiguous lands that encompasses an area from Townships 27-30 and Ranges 6-10W4 approximately 100 kilometers north of Medicine Hat. The first major phase of development occurred in 2005 with the drilling and tie-in of 37 wells at eight wells per section. In 2007 there were 62 new wells drilled, and three standing wells tied-in. In 2008 an eightwell drilling program began. Assets include 112 wells (56 net) producing 1.1 million cubic feet per day net. The primary productive zone is the Middle Milk River with multiple zone potential with gas pay in an additional 10 horizons. The 2007 development phase totaled approximately 270 zonal completions in 71 wells (average 3.8 zones per well). Belly River completions have had several wells flowing at initial rates more than 150,000 cubic feet per day. Production is flowed to a central facility which consists of inlet separation, dehydration and compression. The gathering system consists of 122 kilometers of gathering lines. The bid due date is June 23. Contact Tom Caldwell, 403-298-9729.