EnCana Corp.

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EnCana Corp. has retained Rundle Energy Partners to sell producing property in the Provost area of east-central Alberta. The package includes 100% operated working interest in 11,900 gross acres, the majority of which are fee simple, in Townships 39-40, Ranges 3-4W4. The Provost property consists of two main oil pools; Cummings I and Cummings G5G, and six smaller pools, all flow lined to a single large central processing facility. In July 183 wells were producing approximately 1,800 barrels of oil and 800,000 cubic feet of associated and nonassociated gas per day. The majority of well development on the property has been conducted from multiple pads, using slant drilling and horizontal drilling technology. This has resulted in a more concentrated surface footprint, and several efficiencies including reduced rig mobilization costs (both service and drilling), reduced pipeline and tie-in costs, well operating logistics and reduced environmental impact. Near-term development potential includes infill horizontal drilling in a number of pools and recompletion programs, both of which have demonstrated year-over-year success. Horizontal wells drilled in 2006 and 2007 had individual initial rates up to 300 barrels per day of oil. Several wells are scheduled to have uphole zones re-completed, some of which will be co-mingled with existing production while others will produce from new zones only. The bid due date is Nov. 10. Contact Tom Caldwell 403-298-9729.