ExxonMobil Corp.

Transaction Type
Porcupine Basin
Dunquin blocks
Post Date
Close Date
Estimated Price

ExxonMobil Exploration and Production Ireland (Offshore) Ltd. has retained IndigoPool to seek a partner to farm into a minimum 10% interest in the Dunquin blocks in the Porcupine Basin offshore Ireland. The two main prospects, Dunquin North and Dunquin South in frontier exploration license 3/04, are both prospective for gas and condensate. ExxonMobil estimates that the Dunquin North prospect has an unrisked mean recoverable volume of 4 trillion cubic feet of gas and 156,000 barrels of condensate. It estimates Dunquin South holds 4.4 trillion cubic feet of gas and 160,000 barrels of condensate. ExxonMobil holds a 40% interest with ENI Ireland BV (40%), Providence Resources Plc (16%) and Sosina Exploration Ltd. (4%). The data room opens Jan. 25. The bid due date is March 26. Contact Les Finalle, 713-689-5860, lfinalle@indigopool.com.