Harvest Energy Trust
Harvest Energy Trust has retained Sayer Energy Advisors to sell working interest in one gas property at Monchy, Saskatchewan, one oil property at Giroux Lake and one oil and gas property at Gordondale in Alberta. Recent net daily production has averaged approximately 150 barrels of oil equivalent per day, comprised of 640,000 cubic feet gas and 43 barrels of oil per day. Harvest holds 100% interest in several shallow gas wells at Monchy in southern Saskatchewan. Production is approximately 155,000 to 160,000 cubic feet per day. Upside includes the potential to increase production by reactivating shut-in wells and by further drilling on Harvest lands. Harvest holds a 47.66% interest in and operates the Giroux Lake Viking "F" Unit in west-central Alberta. Current production is approximately 42 barrels of oil and 55,000 cubic fee per day gas and gas liquids. Waterflood optimization could increase production. The trust holds various working and royalty interests in several wells at Gordondale. Currentl production is 425,000 to 430,000 cubic fee per day of gas. Upside potential exists on Harvest's land in the Halfway, Montney and Kiskatinaw formations. The bid due date is Nov. 13. Contact Alan Tambosso, 403-266-6133.