Jones Energy Ltd.

Transaction Type
Elm Coulee
Post Date
Close Date
Estimated Price

Jones Energy Ltd. has retained Meagher Energy Advisors to sell its current Bakken operations in its Williston Basin leasehold in Richland County, Montana, and in McKenzie County, North Dakota.

The package involves an 84.2% average working interest (66.92% average net revenue interest) in four operated wells, and a 17.5% working interest (14% net revenue interest) in one XTO Energy-operated well in Elm Coulee Field. The assets comprise roughly 12,017 net acres, with primarily fee leases, the majority of which are paid up and cover all depths. Net monthly cash flow for October is projected at $61,860.

Upside includes more than 20 locations with Bakken potential on 640-acre spacing.

The bid due date is Sept. 30. The effective date is Oct. 1. The deal is expected to close by Oct. 29. Contact Julia Foster,, 303-721-6354, ext. 229.