La-Tex Goose Creek Ltd.

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La-Tex Goose Creek Ltd. has retained Burks Oil & Gas Properties to sell its interests in Goose Creek Field in Harris County, Texas. The package includes 100% working interest (80% net revenue interest) in 588 acres with 34 producing oil wells. Total net proved reserves are 2.25 million barrels of oil. Net production is about 272 barrels of oil per day. Net cash flow from the property is approximately $680,000 per month. A third-party reserve report was evaluated and certified by Crest Engineering Services. Production facilities and well equipment have been upgraded in the last 4 years. Upside includes numerous stacked pays with numerous proved behind-pipe zones. Four proved undeveloped locations have been identified. Deep Vicksburg potential exists as well. Contact Don Burks, 281-580-4590