LLog Exploration Co. LLC

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LLog Exploration Co. LLC has retained Burks Oil & Gas Properties to sell its operated oil and gas assets and drilling prospects offshore Texas in the Matagorda Island area. The package includes 100% working interest 70% to 80% net revenue interest) in multiple leases covering approximately 4,230 gross acres held by production. Assets include two producing gas completions and four inactive wells. The central production facility is on MI 693-L. Net proved reserves are 3.85 million cubic feet of gas. Daily production is approximately 1.137 million cubic feet and 12 barrels of condensate. Three behind-pipe recompletions, two proved undeveloped drilling locations and one possible have been identified. LLog owns the 11.8-mile, 8.6250-inch OD export pipeline that connects to the Sonat MOPS pipeline system. The gas is processed in the Tivoli processing plant. Contact Don Burks, 281-580-4590