LLog Exploration Co. LLP

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NEW, LLog Exploration Co. LLC has retained Burks Oil & Gas Properties to sell its operated oil and gas assets and drilling prospects offshore Texas in the Matagorda Island area. The package includes 100% working interest (70% to 80% net revenue interest) in multiple leases covering approximately On The Market A&D Watch • October 2008 • 23 4,230 gross acres held by production. Assets include two producing gas completions and four inactive wells. The central production facility is on MI 693-L. Net proved reserves are 3.85 million cubic feet of gas. Daily production is approximately 1.137 million cubic feet and 12 barrels of condensate. Three behind-pipe recompletions, two proved undeveloped drilling locations and one possible have been identified. LLog owns the 11.8-mile, 8.6250-inch OD export pipeline that connects to the Sonat MOPS pipeline system. The gas is processed in the Tivoli processing plant. Contact Don Burks, 281-580-4590