Lodgepole Energy Management Corp.

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Privately held, Manitoba-based Lodgepole Energy Management Corp. has retained Rundle Energy Partners to sell the company. Lodgepole assets include five properties in southwestern Manitoba. Proved reserves are 478,000 barrels of oil plus 207,000 barrels proved plus probable. Production is 150 barrels per day net. The company's major asset is at Waskada, with 100% working interest in 3,100 gross acres within the Spearfish formation (Lower Amaranth) producing area. Lodgepole has 8.5 net wells producing 80 barrels of oil per day. The Daly location involves 100% interest in 728 acres targeting the Bakken/Three Forks formation. The company has one producing vertical well in the play with up to eight additional horizontal locations possible. In addition, Lodgepole has land and production along the Lodgepole formation subcrop at Whitewater, Hartney and Regent with six drilling locations identified. The bid due date is May 26. Contact Tom Caldwell, 403-298-9729.