Marketed: Canada’s Forge Oil & Gas Mannville Development

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The following information is provided by Energy Advisors Group Inc. (EAG), formerly PLS Divestment Services. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to EAG. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Forge Oil & Gas Ltd. has made the decision to consolidate its limited capital on a single core property, and as such the Greater Bonnie Glen Rex/Spirit River oil and shallow gas assets are being made available for divestiture.

Forge will consider all proposals with a preference to sell the assets located southwest of Edmonton in East-Central, Alberta for cash, according to Energy Advisors Group Inc. (EAG), which Forge retained to handle the sale. The offering includes two packages comprised of assets in the emerging horizontal Rex oil play and the established shallow gas production basin.

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