Marketed: Eagle Ford Shale Asset In Atascosa County, Texas

Transaction Type
Eagle Ford Shale
Announce Date
Post Date
Close Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by EnergyNet. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to EnergyNet. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

CRI Ltd. retained EnergyNet for the sale of South Texas properties in the Eagle Ford Shale through an auction closing June 11.

The offer includes non-producing royalty interest in a four-well package covering roughly 200 net mineral acres in Atascosa County, Texas.


  • 3.125% Non-Producing Royalty Interest in the Producing NWR West 204H and 205H Horizontal Wells
  • 3.064756% Non-Producing Royalty Interest in the Producing NWR West C 512H Horizontal Well
  • 2.452704% Non-Producing Royalty Interest in the Producing NWR West D 513H Horizontal Well
  • Covers 199.625 Net Mineral Acres
  • Six-Month Average 8/8ths Production: 742 barrels per day of Oil and 702,000 cubic feet per day of Gas
  • 7-Month Average Net Income: $41,181 per Month
  • Operator: PetroEdge Operating IV LLC

CRI Ltd. Eagle Ford Shale Atascosa County, Texas Asset Map (Source: EnergyNet)

Bids are due by 2:05 p.m. CDT June 11. For complete due diligence information or email Heidi Epstein, manager of business development, at, or Denna Arias, director of transaction management, at