Marketed: GulfTex Energy Nonoperated Oklahoma Package

Transaction Type
Midcontinent; Woodford Shale
Announce Date
Post Date
Close Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by Meagher Energy Advisors. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Meagher. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

GulfTex Energy IV LP retained Meagher Energy Advisors for the sale of a nonoperated package of production and leasehold in Oklahoma's Grady and McClain counties.


  • 2,154 net acres 
  • 65 producing wells
  • Average Working Interest: 3.15% with 75% average Net Revenue Interest
  • Notable operators drilling 8 wells per section; including EOG Resources Inc. and Ovintiv Inc. (fka Encana Corp.)
  • Tier 1 wells and acreage located in Woodford oil window
  • Wells average 70% oil, 15% NGL and 15% dry gas

Bids are due March 5. The transaction is expected to close May 1 with a March 1 effective date.

For information visit or contact Matt Williams, vice president business development Midcontinent, at or 918-481-5900.