Marketed: Permian Minerals Interest Package, Winkler County, Texas

Transaction Type
Permian Basin
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Estimated Price

The following information is provided by Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Clearinghouse. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

The J.R. Collins Trust retained the Oil & Gas Asset Clearinghouse LLC for the sale of a Permian Basin mineral interest package with bids due Oct. 10.

The offering includes roughly 11,500 gross acres with royalty interests in 12 wells located in Winkler County, Texas. Operators include Apache Corp. and CrownQuest Operating LLC.


  • Royalty Interest in 12 proved developed producing wells
  • 11,515 gross (624 net) acres
  • 19 Wolfcamp and two San Andres active permits in 10-mile radius
  • 10 Wolfcamp active producers within five-mile radius
  • Average Net Revenue $500 per month (last six months)
  • Producing formations include Fusselman, Wolfcamp, Devonian, Ellenburger

For information visit or contact Matt DaPra, manager of business development for Clearinghouse, at or 713-277-7923.