Marketed: Revolution Resources Oil Midcontinent Divestiture

Transaction Type
West Edmond Hunton Lime Unit
Announce Date
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Room Opening Date
Estimated Price

The following information is provided by Wells Fargo Securities LLC. All inquiries on the following listings should be directed to Wells Fargo Securities. Hart Energy is not a brokerage firm and does not endorse or facilitate any transactions.

Revolution Resources LLC retained Wells Fargo to sell its West Edmond Hunton Lime Unit (WEHLU)–a mature, free cash flow asset in the Midcontinent with high margin inventory and shallow decline, oil weighted production.

WEHLU, comprised of a mostly contiguous 34,000 net-acre leasehold primarily in Oklahoma County, Okla., is a mature conventional development unit that has been revitalized with horizontal development. While the bulk of activity has been centered in North WEHLU, Revolution has successfully expanded the development to South WEHL, according to Wells Fargo.

Initial bids are due Sept. 14. The asset sale transaction is expected to have an Aug. 1 effective date.

A virtual data room is available. For information contact Austin Van Ry, a Wells Fargo associate, at or 714-308-4146.