Milestone Exploration Inc.

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NEW, Milestone Exploration Inc., Tustin, Calif., has retained Sayer Energy Advisors to sell working interests in certain noncore nonproducing and shut-in gas and light-oil properties in Alberta and southwestern Saskatchewan. The package includes working interest in two producing gas properties, one producing oil property, four shut-in gas properties, and one shut-in light-oil property along with three parcels of undeveloped land. The properties are in the Peacock, Long Coulee, Buffalo Lake, Crimson Lake, Wilson Creek, Minnehik, Genesee, Arvilla, Westlock and Doris areas of Alberta, and in the Meota area of Saskatchewan. Total proved reserves is approximately 114,500 barrels of oil equivalent, with an estimated net present worth of approximately C$2.4 million. Production is approximately 72 barrels of oil equivalent per day, consisting of about 420,000 cubic feet per day of non-associated natural gas, one barrel of oil and minor volumes of gas liquids. Offers are due Oct. 4, the anticipated closing is by the end of October and the effective date is Oct. 1. Contact Ryan Ferguson at 403-266- 6133.