PetroBakken Energy Ltd.

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PetroBakken Energy Ltd. has retained Scotia Waterous Inc. and TD Securities Inc. to sell assets in southern Alberta. The package involves a high working interest and operatorship in most areas on 227,039 total gross acres (151,142 acres net) including 101,142 gross undeveloped acres (58,750 net) across five key properties: Countess, Atlee Buffalo, Jumpbush, Scandia/Enchant and Hays. Forecast fourth-quarter production is 2,664 barrels of oil equivalent per day (60% gas). Total proved reserves are 8.3 million barrels of oil equivalent (12 million barrels proved plus probable; 5.3 million proved producing). Producing zones include Cretaceous Belly River, Milk River/Medicine Hat, Glauconitic and Ellerslie, Jurassic Sawtooth, Mississippian Pekisko and Devonian Nisku Arcs member. Upside includes numerous low-risk infill drilling locations, behind-pipe zone completions, water-flood implementation and optimization and exploration and play extension potential. The bid due date is Nov. 23. Contact Jeff Bowron, 403-261-2377,