Talisman Energy Canada

Transaction Type
Pouce Coupe, Progress, Wembley, Saddle Hills, Teepee, Boundary Lake, Valhalla and Glacier Pouce Coupe, Progress, Wembley, Saddle Hills, Teepee, Boundary Lake, Valhalla and Glacier Stolberg, Cordel, Brown Creek, Voyageur, Lovett River, Bighorn, Ram, Basing
Post Date
Close Date
Estimated Price

Talisman Energy Canada has retained Scotia Waterous Inc. and RBC Capital Markets to sell long-life, gas-weighted properties in three areas of western Alberta and northeastern British Columbia. Total production is 41,098 barrels of oil equivalent per day. Total proved reserves are 205.6 million barrels of oil equivalent. The Greater Peace River Arch assets involve 1,200 gross sections with primary fields being Pouce Coupe, Progress, Wembley, Saddle Hills, Teepee, Boundary Lake, Valhalla and Glacier. Production is 115 million cubic feet equivalent per day (19,200 barrels of oil equivalent, 24% oil) with production from the Devonian to Upper Cretaceous zones. Approximately 8,800 barrels per day are from the Montney formation. Proved reserves are 61.6 million barrels of oil equivalent (35 million proved developed producing; 93.3 million proved plus probable). Upside includes more than 260,000 net undeveloped acres, 149 proved undeveloped and probable locations (98 prospective for Montney). The Central Alberta Foothills region features interest in more than 527 gross sections with primary fields being Stolberg, Cordel, Brown Creek, Voyageur, Lovett River, Bighorn, Ram, Basing and Mountain. Production is 115 million cubit feet equivalent per day (19,174 barrels) with production from the Mississippian. Proved reserves are 54 million barrels of oil equivalent (51 million proved developed producing; 78 million proved plus probable). Upside includes more than 165,000 net undeveloped acres, three proved undeveloped and 11 probable locations. The Greater Hinton area involves 459 gross sections with primary fields being Hinton, Anderson, Solomon and Cabin Creek. Production is 32 million cubic feet equivalent per day (5,283 barrels of oil) producing from multiple Cretaceous zones. Proved reserves are 19.5 million barrels of oil equivalent (9.4 million barrels proved developed producing; 34 million barrels proved plus probable). Upside includes more than 200,000 net undeveloped acres, 23 proved undeveloped and 16 probable locations. The bid due date is March 4. Contact Paul Walmsley, 403-218-6789.