Twin Butte Energy Ltd.
Twin Butte Energy Ltd. has retained Sayer Energy Advisors to sell two properties in the Bow Island and Oyen areas of southern Alberta.
Recent net production net from these operated properties is 308 barrels of oil equivalent per day, consisting of 55 barrels of light oil and gas liquids and approximately 1.5 million cubic feet of gas. Total proved plus probable reserves are 853,000 barrels of oil equivalent.
In the Bow Island area, Twin Butte holds 50% to 100% working interest in a number of producing gas and oil wells at Smith Coulee, Cherry, Fincastle and Bow Island. Net production has averaged approximately 530,000 cubic feet per day of gas and approximately eight barrels of oil per day, or approximately 96 barrels equivalent.
In the Oyen area, Twin Butte holds 100% working interests in most producing wells at Sibbald, Highland, Hudson, Antelope, Esther and Anatole. Recent net production has averaged approximately 1 million cubic feet of gas and 47 barrels of oil per day, or approximately 305 barrels equivalent. Potential exists to increase oil production by developing a Viking oil property with horizontal wells.
The bid due date is April 15. The effective date is April 1. Contact Ryan Ferguson Young, 403-266-6133,