White Paper

Carbon Sequestration Well Drilling

Compared to an estimated 4 million oil & gas wells, only a handful of CO₂ sequestration (categorized as U.S. EPA Class VI) wells have been completed in the U.S. or across the globe. However, sequestration wells are vastly different than oil & gas wells, and bring a new set of challenges for CCS project developers. 

Here's what you need to know about carbon capture and sequestration well drilling - from unique technical challenges and regulatory standards to data collection requirements and well management strategy. Get this white paper straight from our experts to drill for data, without doubts.

CCS Drilling: The Details

  • Learn what carbon sequestration wells are, and why it matters to companies like yours.

Oil & Gas Vs. CCS Wells

  • Discover the differences between oil & gas and CCS wells, from requirements to risk profiles.

Drilling for Data

  • Explore the 4 types of CCS wells, their different purposes and data collection requirements.

Choosing A Drilling Partner

  • See our top considerations to help you choose the right CCS drilling partner for your project.

CCS wells have unique requirements and specifications because they involve injecting fluid rather than extracting it, and they must remain stable and functional for decades post-injection. These differences have substantial implications for well design and operations.

Download the white paper now!


This report was written in partnership with Battelle.

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