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Mitsui E&P USA LLC


Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2016-12-22 $207.00

Mitsui Sells a Part of Its Interest in the Marcellus Shale Gas Project

Mitsui Sells a Part of Its Interest in the Marcellus Shale Gas Project

Report Date Amount (MM) Description
2016-12-22 $207.00

Mitsui Sells a Part of Its Interest in the Marcellus Shale Gas Project

Mitsui Sells a Part of Its Interest in the Marcellus Shale Gas Project

2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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2100-10-01 $000.00

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Japan’s Mitsui Deepens Texas Shale Gas Footprint Through M&A

Japanese firm Mitsui & Co. is adding to its shale gas footprint in Texas through M&A, the Tokyo-based company announced June 24.