An FPSO vessel is the preferred option when developing a remote offshore field with minimal or no infrastructure. The vessel can provide the required storage in the hull for direct offloading to tankers. However, due to its relatively high dynamic motions, an FPSO unit is not a feasible host for steel catenary risers in most environments. Intecsea, WorleyParsons Group, developed the Low Motion (LM) FPSO design to maintain the advantages of the conventional FPSO units while offering motion response suitable for steel catenary risers and top-tensioned risers in very harsh environments.

The performance of the LM-FPSO was confirmed by a five-week comprehensive model testing program at the Korean Research Institute for Ships and Ocean Engineering. (Source: Intecsea, WorleyParsons Group)


Samoco Oil Tools partnered with a major offshore operator to create a tool designed to cut tripping time in half during BOP testing. The result was the One-Trip BOP testing tool. The low-torque, high-pressure design ensures a resilient downhole seal that can withstand the harshest subsea conditions. One-Trip is designed and validated to withstand 25,000 psi and is verified to sustain a load up to 1.2 million pounds. The tool remains downhole until BOP test results are confirmed satisfactory. If for any reason initial results are not satisfactory, the tool is positioned to immediately retest the BOP.

TechnipFMC’s subsea choke provides increased controllability over hydraulic actuation technology. (Source: TechnipFMC)

MPD integrated system

Schlumberger’s managed pressure drilling (MPD) integrated system is the industry’s first complete all-original equipment manufactured reservoir-to-flare-stack deepwater MPD system. The integrated offering provides optimization of drilling and production operations. The MPD control system can be precisely scaled to customer needs or specific well demands per level of well complexity. It also features enhanced kick detection to automatically respond with the required choke control solution to reduce environmental impact.

Schlumberger’s MPD system maximizes drilling efficiency and versatility. (Source: Schlumberger)

20K HP/HT subsea choke

The TechnipFMC 20k HP/HT subsea choke is designed to withstand life-offield fatigue in HP/HT production environments without the need for hydraulic fluids. The tool meets or exceeds American Petroleum Institute (API) Specification 17TR8 and has been qualified to meet or exceed requirements of API Specification 17D. The choke’s plug-and-cage design leverages proprietary HP/HT sealing technologies and TechnipFMC’s G2i electric actuator, providing increased controllability over traditional hydraulic actuation technology. The choke is currently qualified for 3,048 m (10,000 ft) water depth, 20,000-psi maximum working pressure and -29 C to 177 C (-20 F to 350 F) operating temperatures for oil, gas and multiphase production applications.

TechnipFMC’s subsea choke provides increased controllability over hydraulic actuation technology. (Source: TechnipFMC)


The Weatherford AutoFrac system enables remote operation of lower completion tools and provides several options for tool communication that do not rely on control lines or mechanical actuation. The radio frequency identification Autofrac system, which incorporates Autostim flapper valves and ARID stimulation sleeves, permits remote activation of downhole lower completion equipment. This eliminates the need for intervention and saves clients the associated time and risk. In the event of screenout, the Autostim flapper valve of the next zone isolates the treated interval, allowing the cleanout of proppant-laden fluid in a closed-well environment.

Weatherford’s AutoFrac system enables remote operation of lower completion tools and improved tool communication. (Source: Weatherford)