E&P Magazine - December 2017
Companies and systems were honored for their contributions to the industry and the environment.
As I See It
Industry Study Indicates That Employment Tide Might Be Turning
A study indicates happier employment statistics in 2018.
Cover Story
Best of 2017: Completions And Production Companies, Systems Garnering Attention
Companies and systems were honored for their contributions to the industry and the environment.
Best of 2017: Drilling, Cementing Technologies Recognized For Innovative Designs
Companies and their technologies were recognized for contributions of improving drilling and cementing operations.
Best Of 2017: Offshore Accolades
Offshore technology companies received honors for contributions made to improve operations with safe and reliable designs.
Best Of 2017: Oil, Gas Technologies
As the year winds down, it’s time to take a look at some of the technologies that garnered industry awards.
Best Of 2017: Seismic, EM Technologies Take Home Top Honors
These five technologies took home top honors in 2017.
Executive Q&A
GE, Baker Merger Will Redefine Process Of Oil And Gas E&P
The merger of Baker Hughes with GE Oil & Gas is intended to lead to some changes in the
way the energy industry does business.
Industry Pulse
Fate Fueled By Drilled Cuttings
What do investors want from the oil and gas industry?
Market Intelligence
Oil Market Intelligence: Converting To Diverters
Diverter use grows as E&P companies seek ways to improve fracture initiation points along ever-longer laterals.
Exploration Technologies
Colorado School Of Mines Takes A New Approach To Its Geophysics Department
Can exploration geophysics be reimagined?
Drilling Technologies
Much Ado About ANWR
The current political push to open ANWR to E&P activities is too little, too late.
Completions and Production
IHS Study Reveals Permian Still Holds Massive Reserves
A recent study by IHS Markit stated the Permian Basin may still hold 70 Bbbl of recoverable oil.
Digital Solutions
Improving Economic Productivity By Mastering Data
The application of international standards to data is leading to increased efficiencies in the oil and gas sector.
Integration Of Wireless Systems To The Digital Oil Field
A pressure pulse telemetry system can be applied to downhole devices for communication in flowing wells and used to provide a wireless alternative to existing data transfer and actuation methods.
Shale Solutions
Enhancing Completions In High-cost Fields
Expandable liner and new composite plugs restore integrity and enable completions in horizontal wells.
Smart Water Treatment: It’s Not A Bomb
A treatment platform enables significant improvements in operational safety and reliability.
Offshore Solutions
Digitalization: A New Era Of Offshore Operations
A digital transformation will require a focused strategy.
Operator Solutions
Managing The Cost Of Ownership
The low cost of ownership associated with an integral engine-compressor system is delivering results for its operators.
The Revolution Of Onshore Standards
A view from the custodians of training in the oil and gas industry provides helpful insights.
Abandonment System Creates Quality Cement Plug
Cementing solution improves coverage through axial and lateral oscillation to establish an improved barrier.
Building A Better Basin Model
Software advances improve pore pressure prediction ahead of the bit in a complex GoM subsalt well.
Compact System Delivers Multiple Plugs, Significant Savings
The modular design of a new plug launching system reduces rig time and increases safety.
New Minimum Facility Platforms Withstand North Sea Conditions
Company intends to make wellhead facilities production cheaper and faster with a ‘design once, build many’ ethos.
Software Increases Accuracy For Intervention And Stimulation
Single-source controls simplify fracturing operations.
Unconventional Report
Appalachian Region’s Natural Gas Production On The Rise
Improved infrastructure leads to production growth from the Marcellus and Utica.
Regional Report
MSGB Basin Shows New West African Promise
Countries like Senegal are gearing up for the next wave of development.
Tech Watch
Next Generation Of Ball Valve Technology Arrives
Integrated valve technology breaks through 50 years of valve design stagnation.
Tech Trends
Tech Trends
Check out the latest technology trends the industry has to offer.
Activity Highlights
International Highlights
Check out the latest discoveries, well completions and exploration highlights around the world.
On The Move
On The Move
Check out the latest new hires, promotions and company news.
Last Word
Supporting Exploration Teams In The Era Of Digital Exploration
Companies need to invest in the right tools to enable better decision-making.