First, consider some simple truths. Fresh potable water sustains life on Eart. Energy is the basis of human civilization. The absolute number of human beings and the rate of human population growth establish the quality of life for all that live upon the planet.
Geoscientists of the world, look upon yourselves as what you really are. For better or worse, you are members of a learned profession. You are no longer free of duties to society and civilization.
When you chose to become a professional geoscientist, you assumed a burden you may not have comprehended fully at the time. However, if you are to be true to the essential elements of your own humanity and become all you can be, you will have to assume multiple responsibilities and substantial obligations.
You who are geoscientists are the intellectual stewards of planet Earth as a dynamic system. You can run from your obligations, but you cannot hide from your responsibilities. You are independent professionals with unique skills and talents who share some understanding of and insight into a priceless body of knowledge that must be used to protect society and advance civilization.
As professional geoscientists, you are more than mere employees. You are keepers of the arcane knowledge of the planet as a dynamic system. No one else is and no one else can be in our immediate lifetimes. You cannot ignore or overlook or fail to fully appreciate your responsibilities, your nondelegable duties, to use the words of the Law.
You have responsibilities first and foremost to the subject matter of your profession, the source of your esoteric knowledge. The reason you are scientists is that you derive your body of knowledge from observation and investigation. That is what science is all about. The source of your knowledge is the Earth as a dynamic planetary system: the lithosphere, the hydrosphere, the atmosphere, the biosphere and the uniquely human noosphere or psychosphere. The elements of those spheres and the processes that link all of those elements and establish the dynamic interactive systems that sustain the planet as a habitat and cradle for our fragile human civilization - such as it is and such as it may become - are made better through your efforts or worse because of your neglect.
The practice of any profession is a constant effort to communicate. Communicate with those who make up the constituency for your profession. Communicate with those who need your profession immediately for help and those who may need it but have not yet discovered their need.
There is also the concomitant need to communicate to society. The fabric and coherence of society depends on the maintenance of geoscience as a profession - a community of dedicated individuals sharing custody of, and responsible as stewards for, the unique and special body of knowledge about the Earth as a dynamic system and an element of a greater universe. Those who do not share your knowledge depend upon you. Those who are not of your profession must, of necessity, rely on your inherent intellectual integrity and personal honor as professionals.
We are all teachers in our own way, even if we only serve as examples or role models. Your duty as professionals, as geoscientists, however, goes further. You must communicate the essence of your professional honor and the integrity that is based on your unique personal knowledge of our Earth as a living dynamic system. You must share your extensive scientific knowledge and your profound personal insights.
You must go forth and teach every other human being the essence of what you know about the Earth we live on. And while you teach - and yes, preach - you will convey to them your own sense of commitment to honorable stewardship of the body of knowledge and insights you have acquired as professionals. And they will understand and believe.

Victor John Yannacone Jr. is an attorney, advocate and crisis manager. He and his wife Carol are regarded by many as the founders of the environmental movement.