E&P Magazine - May 2002

As I See It

Women battle perception gaps

This is the first installment of a three-part series examining the challenges and opportunities women face in forging a career in the oil patch.

Cover Story

A geoscience wakeup call

First, consider some simple truths. Fresh potable water sustains life on Eart. Energy is the basis of human civilization.

Drilling Technologies

Disposal wells and making lemonade

If your well appears to be a "lemon" due to huge fluid losses, it may be perfect for injecting waste - and not just cuttings.


Caspian region seeks production explosion

Nations face huge hurdles to cash in energy crops.

Tech Watch

Heavy oil companies get facelifts

The outward appearance of North American heavy oil production has changed.

Activity Highlights

Déjà vu all over again

Under the heading "Get me another silver stake, Bubba, this sucker just won't die" is the continuing saga of geopolitical unrest and oil prices. And I guess it won't really ever die.

Another Perspective

Evaluate casing in a single pass

A new logging tool provides a fast and accurate method of measurement in situ.

Expansion continues as promised

Billions of dollars worth of worldwide offshore construction projects show industry growth.

Gel treatments extend well life

More robust polymer systems give added control over lopsided water-oil ratios.

Integrated solutions gain status

A full-cycle approach helps producers shrink an estimated US $40 billion water cost overflow.

Low-shear rheology essential

Low shear-rate viscometry is needed to predict drilling mud performance.

Manage corrosion, integrity online

Local and general corrosion of well pipe can be monitored in real time over the Internet.

Offshore market booms

The hottest construction market in the oil patch gets ready for faster growth.

Proper fluid selection controls skin

A systematic approach to brine selection helps identify optimum fluids for deepwater environments.

System cuts casing runs, costs

Riserless drilling fluids are redefining interval limitations in deepwater operations.

World Map

Company takes aim at multiclient 4-C

An ambitious regional 2-D multicomponent survey is one of the first attempts to bring shear (S) wave data to the masses.