Anadarko, Ecopetrol Confirm New Gas Province Offshore Colombia

Anadarko, the operator, said the well hit 79 m to 110 m (260 ft to 360 ft) net of natural gas pay.

Norway Doubles Barents Sea Oil, Gas Estimate

The Norwegian Barents Sea could hold 2.8 billion standard cubic meters (Bscm) oil equivalent (17.6 billion barrels), including 1.4 Bsmc to the southeast of the Svalbard archipelago, the country’s oil regulator said on April 25.

USGS: Haynesville, Bossier Gas Resources Largest Ever Examined

Seven years since its last assessment, additional drilling and data show the shale plays outshine the Marcellus and Utica, both of which were last assessed at the beginning of the decade.

Reservoir Characterization Project Aims To Improve Shale Reservoir Results

Students at the Colorado School of Mines discussed promising results from a Wattenberg Field study area at the Reservoir Characterization Project spring meeting in Golden, Colo.

Lundin Appraisal Well Hits Oil At North Sea’s Edvard Grieg

The find confirms the upside for the field “in the order of 10 to 30 MMboe,” Lundin Petroleum said in a news release.

Hurricane Energy Triples Recoverable Oil Estimate From North Sea Field

As part of a day of presentations to analysts and investors, Hurricane said it had upgraded its recoverable resource estimate for the Lancaster Field to 593 million barrels from 200 million in a 2013 assessment.

ExxonMobil Scores Third Oil Find Offshore Guyana

The Snoek well, southeast of the Liza discovery, hit high-quality oil-bearing sandstone reservoirs, the company said.

Eni: Mexico Find Could Hold Over 800 MMbbl Of Oil In Place

Earlier this month the major said it had found “meaningful” reserves of oil offshore Mexico after becoming the first international oil company to drill a well in the country following a 2013 reform to open up the sector to investors.

Hurricane’s Halifax Finds Hydrocarbons West Of Shetland Islands

Hurricane Energy’s Halifax well has encountered a hydrocarbon column of at least 1,156 m (3,792 ft), supporting its view that the prospect is linked to the Lancaster Field to form a single large hydrocarbon accumulation, the company said in a news release March 27.

Empire Discovers Light Oil Play In Australia

The company plans to perform a three- to six-month extended production test starting in third-quarter 2017, following the completion in April of a light oil resource volume assessment, to help determine the commerciality of the discovery.