To better gauge resource potential, ExxonMobil said the discovery is being evaluated with two sidetracks drilled. A well test is underway.
Advanced seismic data helped the company discover additional pay.
A test conducted with an electric submersible pump in the Guadalupe Formation across multiple sand units resulted in a production rate of about 1,800 barrels of oil per day (bbl/d) of 16 degrees API, with a 17% water cut through a choke of 38/64 mm and wellhead pressure of 80 pounds per square inch, the company said.
Drilled to a total depth of 144,350 meters (m), the Zohr 5x well encountered a continuous hydrocarbon column of about 180 m. The results confirm Zohr’s potential of 30 Tcf original gas in place.
GeoPark said the well was drilled 780 m north of the Jacana 3 appraisal well further down dip to a bottom-hole location below the previous lowest-known oil, where it hit oil in the Guadalupe Formation.
Drilled to a depth of 3,860 ft, IOG said good quality reservoir condition samples were collected from the field and sent to Aberdeen for further analysis.
The company is preparing for a third phase of exploration and appraisal drilling.
Tests showed a crude oil flow rate of 2,406 barrels per day, Sonatrach said in a statement.
A stabilized gas flow rate of 17 MMscf/d was reached on Aug. 7, the company said, noting the results “represents a highly commercial rate.”
The total oil in place in the Upper Portland pay has increased from 7.7 MMbbl per square mile to 22.9 MMbbl per square mile.