Solo, UKOG Upgrade Oil In Place At England’s Horse Hill

The total oil in place in the Upper Portland pay has increased from 7.7 MMbbl per square mile to 22.9 MMbbl per square mile.

Faroe: Brasse Sidetrack Hits Oil, Gas In North Sea

A sidetrack appraisal well on the Brasse discovery in the Norwegian North Sea has encountered a 25-meter (m) gross oil column and a 6-m gross gas column, Faroe Petroleum said in a news release.

ExxonMobil: Well Offshore Guyana Confirms ‘World-Class’ Oil Discovery

Drilled to 5,475 m in 1,692 m of water, the Liza-2 well encountered more than 58 m of oil-bearing sandstone reservoirs in Upper Cretaceous formations.

Angola's Sonangol Finds Gas In Kwanza Basin

Sonangol said Block 20/11 held an estimated 313 MMbbl of condensate and 2.8 trillion cubic feet of gas, Reuters reported.

Petrobras: New Libra Well Confirms Extension Of Oil Discovery

Petrobras said a new well has discovered the largest net pay to date in the Libra block, with 410 m of thickness, surpassing the previous largest column of 301 m announced in March.

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Mubadala Finds Oil In Northern Gulf Of Thailand

Although the oil is not in commercial quantities, the Sri Trang-1 discovery has validated the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Northern Kra Basin, Tap Oil said in the release.

SDX Energy: Al Amir 24 Flows Oil In Egypt

The well was completed as a producer in the Shagar formation and flowed on a test light 43.6 degree API oil at an average rate of 1,714 bbl/d with 3.062 MMscf/d of associated gas, according to a news release.

Cairn Plans Fourth Well After ‘Positive’ Results Offshore Senegal

While targeting the Bellatrix exploration prospect and appraising the northern extent of the SNE field discovered in 2014, the BEL-1 well encountered two good quality gas-bearing sand reservoirs of a combined net thickness of 8 m between the Bellatrix main objective and deeper SNE appraisal objective, Cairn said in a news release.

OMV, Tullow, Partners Flow Oil At Wisting Central II

Results of drilling, wireline logs and samples of reservoir fluids show that the well encountered a 22-m oil column in a 1,402-m horizontal section with 1,250 m of net light oil pay, Tullow said in the release.