The total oil in place in the Upper Portland pay has increased from 7.7 MMbbl per square mile to 22.9 MMbbl per square mile.
A sidetrack appraisal well on the Brasse discovery in the Norwegian North Sea has encountered a 25-meter (m) gross oil column and a 6-m gross gas column, Faroe Petroleum said in a news release.
Drilled to 5,475 m in 1,692 m of water, the Liza-2 well encountered more than 58 m of oil-bearing sandstone reservoirs in Upper Cretaceous formations.
Sonangol said Block 20/11 held an estimated 313 MMbbl of condensate and 2.8 trillion cubic feet of gas, Reuters reported.
Petrobras said a new well has discovered the largest net pay to date in the Libra block, with 410 m of thickness, surpassing the previous largest column of 301 m announced in March.
A true understanding of the subsurface requires integration and ingenuity.
Although the oil is not in commercial quantities, the Sri Trang-1 discovery has validated the hydrocarbon prospectivity of the Northern Kra Basin, Tap Oil said in the release.
The well was completed as a producer in the Shagar formation and flowed on a test light 43.6 degree API oil at an average rate of 1,714 bbl/d with 3.062 MMscf/d of associated gas, according to a news release.
While targeting the Bellatrix exploration prospect and appraising the northern extent of the SNE field discovered in 2014, the BEL-1 well encountered two good quality gas-bearing sand reservoirs of a combined net thickness of 8 m between the Bellatrix main objective and deeper SNE appraisal objective, Cairn said in a news release.
Results of drilling, wireline logs and samples of reservoir fluids show that the well encountered a 22-m oil column in a 1,402-m horizontal section with 1,250 m of net light oil pay, Tullow said in the release.