Tullow, Partners Strike Oil In Kenya

The discovery could signal another basin opening in East Africa. The Cheptuket-1 well was the first to test oil potential in the Kerio Valley Basin.

Kiliwani North Well Testing Ends, Aminex Eyes April Startup

The final well integrity testing of the Kiliwani North-1 well (KN-1) offshore Tanzania has ended, recording a high tubing pressure reading compared to other producing wells on Songo Songo Island, Aminex said in a news release.

Eni: Test Results Show Zohr’s ‘Great Production Capacity’

Eni has performed a production test of Zohr 2X, the first appraisal well of the Zohr discovery offshore Egypt, delivering up to 44 million standard cubic feet of gas per day (MMscf/d), Eni said in a news release.

Advanced 3-D Seismic Collection, Processing Reduces Risks, Costs

At the 3-D Seismic Symposium in Denver, executives and geophysicists pointed out the potential of 3-D and ambient seismic data collection as a standard tool for asset or field development activities.

Crude Flows At Horse Hill-1 Onshore UK

The Horse Hill-1 (HH-1) well has flowed light, sweet crude at an average rate of 168 barrels per day (bbl/d), Solo Oil said in a news release.

Genel Halves Reserves Estimate For Iraqi Kurdistan Field

Genel estimated that Taq Taq had proven and probable reserves of 356 million barrels (MMbbl) of oil as of Dec. 31, down from the 683 million it had estimated in June 2011.

Appraisal Confirms Zohr’s Mega Status For Eni

Eni’s continued exploration success in Egypt comes amid a downturn that has caused some companies to reduce exploration spending.

Exploration Continues: Kosmos Strikes Gas Offshore Senegal

The latest find boosts Kosmos’ gross resource estimate for the Greater Tortue Complex to 17 trillion cubic feet, adding to the region’s potential.

Jura Energy Flows Gas In Pakistan

The Sara-4 development well in Pakistan has been completed in the Sui Upper Limestone formation of Eocene age, flowing gas at an average rate of about 1.6 million cubic feet per day, Jura Energy Corp. said in a news release.

Second Flow Test Begins At Papua New Guinea Antelope-5 Well

The joint venture partners are discussing an additional appraisal well, and the decision whether to drill it will follow evaluation of Antelope-6 and flow test results from Antelope-5.