Singapore-based InterOil Corp. began flow testing at the Elk-Antelope gas field in Papua New Guinea for field appraisal. The field, in Gulf province, contains the Antelope-5 wellsite.
Average gross production in Turkmenistan’s Cheleken contract area was about 88,700 bbl/d in the first quarter. This was a 23% increase over the corresponding 2014 level.
Petrobras discovered oil in Espírito Santo Basin, onshore Brazil. The company also completed the formation test on well 3-BRSA-1286-SES in concession BM-SEAL-11, in ultradeep waters of Sergipe-Alagoas Basin.
Exploration well 34/3-5, about 5 km southeast of Knarr Field, is dry and will be plugged and abandoned. It is about 120 km west of Florø in northern North Sea.
Wireline logging is underway to evaluate openhole section of the Manusela Formation limestone primary objective. The well hit hydrocarbons in Seram (Non Bula) production sharing contract area in eastern Indonesia.
The SNE-1 and FAN-1 wells were the first deepwater wells drilled offshore Senegal in 26 years. They discovered oil and yielded key data for updating predrill geological models.
Additional intervals of elevated mud log gas and oil florescence have been observed in the Maastrichtian section and will be further evaluated during the program.
Ithaca Energy Inc. successfully completed flow test operations on the fifth development well on the Stella Field.
Well 25/6-5 S hit a 10-m (33-ft) gas column in the Hugin Formation in Middle Jurassic reservoir rocks near the Skirne Field in the central North Sea.
The 197(2) well, in Block 197, reached 1,669 m total depth in December 2014. It hit 78 m of continuous potential net natural gas pay.