Senscient achieved National Institute of Metrology, Standardization and Industrial Quality (InMetro) certification for the Senscient ELDS Series 1000/2000 Open Path Gas Detectors.
General Monitors introduced the Gassonic Observer-H Ultrasonic Gas Leak Detector for detecting gas leaks in pressurized systems.
Picarro introduced a first-of-its-kind solution for natural gas pipeline leak detection and measurement, based on the company’s Cavity Ring-Down Spectroscopy (CRDS) analyzers.
Uson introduced its Optima vT Leak and Flow Tester this week, which allows oil and gas companies to custom configure their leak detection equipment to their unique test applications without added costs.
Uson introduced a new videoconferencing consultation service for leak-proof lines, valves and other components.
Uson launched a line of RFID tags with both standard and custom components tailored to application requirements for leak detection.
Industrial Scientific announced that Saudi Aramco has signed an agreement with Zaff International Ltd to serve as its exclusive agent within Saudi Arabia. This agreement covers the supply of all required gas detection equipment and services from Industrial Scientific to Saudi Aramco for the next five years.
Fiber Optic Systems Technology Inc., Toronto, Ontario, Canada, has reported that the corporation will provide corrosion monitoring systems for a technology development project for the pipeline industry supported by the Alberta government.
The Pipeline Simulation Interest Group (PSIG), Houston, a well-known and respected technical organization in the pipeline and gas industry, is proud to announce that its 42nd Annual Meeting will be held in the majestic wine country of Napa, Calif., from the 24th- 27th of May, 2011.
Renewables pipelines will need remediation equipment, due to inherent corrosion, reports a new study by SBI Energy. In Washington, SBI Energy has recently published a report on specialty pipelines, titled “Specialty Pipelines for Renewable and Alternative Energy Substances.”