New Fortress Bets on Brazil’s LNG Growth with $5 Billion Worth of Deals

U.S.-based New Fortress Energy Inc. said on Jan. 13 it would buy natural gas company Hygo Energy Transition Ltd. and its controlling company Golar LNG Partners LP, expanding its presence in Brazil.

Occidental Petroleum Claims Green Push ‘Does More Than Tesla’

Occidental Petroleum pumps more CO₂ into the ground than carmaker Tesla prevents being emitted on roads, CEO Vicki Hollub says.

Oil and Gas Industry Stung by Biden’s Blow Against KXL

Analysts wonder if the timing portends trouble for infrastructure projects by the oil and gas industry with the new administration.

NGL Energy Partners Provides Update on Extraction Bankruptcy

Extraction Oil & Gas is a customer of Grand Mesa Pipeline, a subsidiary of NGL Energy Partners that provides takeaway capacity for crude oil producers in the D-J Basin where Extraction’s operations are focused.

Report: Methane Emissions from Oil, Gas Production Fell 10% in 2020

In 2020, oil and gas operations emitted over 70 million tonnes of methane, or around 10% less than in 2019, the IEA says.

Biden May Cancel Keystone XL Pipeline Permit as soon as First Day

President-elect Joe Biden is planning to cancel the permit for the $9 billion Keystone XL pipeline project as one of his first acts in office, and perhaps as soon as his first day, according to a source familiar with his thinking.

Report: Nord Stream 2 Delays Resuming Construction

An official says that the pipeline’s construction will not resume, even with permission from Denmark.

Tellurian Aims for Louisiana LNG Construction Start This Summer

Driftwood will help meet soaring demand for LNG, says co-founder Souki.

Panama Canal LNG Vessel Bottleneck Could Last until March

Congestion delaying LNG shipments via the Panama Canal is expected to last through the peak demand winter months, traders close to the situation said on Jan. 14, although the canal’s regulator said it had made changes to speed up transit.

Report: Nord Stream 2 to Resume Work in Danish Waters

US has threatened sanctions on companies involved in the project.