E&P Magazine - November 2001

As I See It

'Hard targets' thwart terrorist strikes

Observant people are a company's most important asset in preventing a terrorist attack on a corporate installation.

Cover Story

Awaken employee assets

When oil prices are low and jobs are scarce, companies can get away with ignoring career development. At least for the moment, the tables have turned.

Drilling Technologies

Cuttings disposal options considered

One person's trash is another's treasure.


South African industry attracts exploration

With 44% of Africa's industrial output, South Africa should be a natural target for oil and gas supplies, but that movement still is in the building stages.

Tech Watch

Summertime, and FPSOs came easy

Floating production projects are popping up off Africa, Brazil and Indonesia...and elsewhere.

Activity Highlights

Common interest

The bombs started to fall yesterday in Afghanistan. Despite the fact that it must - and should - be done, it is a sad conclusion to an even sadder attack.

Another Perspective

Bayu-Undan innovative, complex

The two-phased development is the largest proposed investment to date in the Timor Sea.

Bluewater and beyond

Hugo Heerema, president of Bluewater Energy Services, shares his plans for expansion in an exclusive interview with Hart's E&P.

Build buoyancy with foam

TotalFinaElf's Girassol project uses innovative riser towers to bring production up from the deep, but before it could do so, it needed a buoyancy system to take the weight off the production risers.

Find the right solution for cessation

Decommissioning is the newest big market opportunity to develop in the North Sea.

Flow meters enhance well test data

A multiphase flow meter enhances data quality and quantity obtained from mobile and permanent well testing equipment, improving well performance assessment and reservoir understanding.

Is it a wellbore or reservoir effect?

In gas condensate wells, liquid reinjection during a buildup test can be mistaken for dual porosity or condensate banking in the reservoir.

Landing strings aid casing lifting

A new tubular design offers an alternative to drilling strings in deepwater applications.

Niches dominate OCTG market

Pipe vendors are focusing their supply and service skills on high-volume slots in an effort to assume single-source responsibility.

Oil-based soap cuts costs, rig time

An environmentally friendly casing cleaning treatment is bolstering efficiency on Statfjord and Sleipner fields.

Opportunities abound Down Under

South Australia boasts significant hydrocarbon potential.

Pressure analysis explains seismic anomalies

A new capillary shock-wave model enhances the accuracy of 3-D seismic interpretation.

ROVs, umbilicals - a new paradigm

To tether, or not to tether? A Brazilian remotely operated vehicle (ROV) operator recently approached JDR with the concept of building an optimum-cost work-class ROV system to service a South American client base.

Success seen in the South Seas

There's no telling what far-flung locale might tug at a company's heart - and purse - strings. For three companies, key points of interest are along the Pacific Rim.

Upturn more than a pipe dream

Stock prices are plunging for tubular manufacturers. But most are counting on a rosier 2002.

World Map

What do you do when the sky is falling?

When the going got tough, an industry society kept going, with remarkable poise and grace.