E&P Magazine - October 2004

As I See It

Intelligence strategy breeds success

A company that learns more and gives away less critical information retains a competitive advantage.

Technology must meet peoples needs

Innovations must overcome the human hurdle to stage a successful introduction.

Cover Story

Control risk exposure

Einstein defined insanity as "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result."

Drilling Technologies

Expand your mind

Although the reality of a commercial monobore does not exist yet, most of the essential technology has been proven.

Completions and Production

Technology vs. the tax collector

Everyone knows the famous fable about the goose that laid golden eggs. There's a moral there that's obvious to all - but perhaps not to Russia's tax collectors.


Bit sets record in Vietnam

A new bit-frame combination proved to be the right concoction offshore

Offshore activity targets Asia Pacific

A growth surge has started in Southeast Asia as supplies ramp up to meet demand.

Tech Watch

Time to speak up

Owner of arguably the most beautiful and pristine environments on the planet, but faced with significant production challenges, Norway has its priorities straight.

Activity Highlights


Once again the offshore community has been visited by a serious - potentially catastrophic - storm and not found wanting.

Another Perspective

A new vision of the subsurface

Fiber-optic sensors show promise in offering cost-effective multicomponent seismic data in deep water.

Advancing the VSP envelope

Amazingly long, wireline-conveyed, high-fidelity vertical seismic profiling (VSP) arrays are delivering better data at reduced rig time cost, opening the door to more comprehensive use of the resulting datasets.

Data processing: Coming of age

The advent of cluster computing, massive parallel processing and less expensive memory has paid off in the ability to perform seismic processing steps that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago.

Experience ensures sand control success

Technique and technology combine to enable successful Frac-pack completions near water contacts.

Fiber optics enable deep data retrieval

A specially developed subsea connector designed and built for harsh environment service is being used for the first time on BP's Thunder Horse project in the Gulf of Mexico.

Gravel pack successful from DW floater

Petrobras used an innovative horizontal sand control completion system from Schlumberger to execute a successful openhole gravel pack (OHGP) using the alpha/beta (A/B) placement technique from a drillship on a well in 3,700 ft (1,130 m) of water.

How to manage wellhead stress

Two complementary tools are taking the guesswork out of wellhead stress modeling and management, making intervention operations safer than ever before.

Modular subsea processing trial nearing

Modularized subsea processing technology developed in the United Kingdom is heading for its first field trial and could significantly enhance the toolbox available for subsea tiebacks.

New drilling systems deliver benefits

Continually evolving, experience-based technology is improving rig efficiency and safety while delivering more economical and reliable tools.

Red Adair: Remembering a Legend

Famed American cowboy raconteur and humorist, Will Rogers, once observed, "I never met a man I didn't like." Legendary oilwell firefighter Red Adair never met a well he couldn't tame.

Rig technology drives efficiency, safety

Today's designs are driving down drilling costs with major improvements in efficiency, safety and reliability, both offshore and on land.

World Map

Thinking outside the workstation

Landmark is harnessing the power of two computer industry giants to find new solutions to its clients' problems.