E&P Magazine - January 2007
As I See It
Africa challenges operators
High potential off West Africa encourages operators to find solutions.
EPC contracts for FPUs - what really matters?
Understanding the perceptions and perspectives from both parties as well as internal and external factors influencing contracting strategy and how they impact risk allocation can lead to improved performance in the execution of EPC contracts.
Maximize reservoir contact
Brute frac-job force is not the solution to improved reservoir performance.
Soldiers - the next generation?
What people shortage? The US Army is training the industry's new recruits.
Cover Story
It is hard to believe it is 2007. It seems only yesterday that I took my first job in the patch in 1967.
Drilling Technologies
Build them and they may come
Optimism and uncertainty meet a people shortage in a thriving climate for rig construction.
Special Report
Turkey pays off for Toreador
Move into deeper water opens more pay for offshore partners.
Tech Watch
There is no peace pipe for gas
Conflicts between producers and pipeline companies frequently flare into open warfare.
Tech Trends
Put critical information at your fingertips
Executive Dashboards give managers a window into the organization to proactively identify and address issues before they become problems.
Activity Highlights
The plot evaporates
This "news" may come as a surprise to those companies working as flat out as any company in any booming industry ever did.
Last Word
Looking back at an earlier Oman
Schlumberger recently celebrated 50 years of service in Oman by publishing a commemorative book. This is an excerpt of one man's memories.
Activity Spotlight
CGGVeritas to put spotlight on Guinea-Bissau
Guinea Bissau
Forest Oil plans Houston Exploration purchase
GE Oil & Gas buys Vetco Gray
Independence Hub heads for Gulf
Independence Hub
Intelligent completion sets depth record
intelligent completion subsea record depth
International Lift Systems acquires Partners
International Lift Systems acquires Partners
Kinder Morgan expands CO2 operations
Kinder Morgan expands CO2 operations
Nitrogen removal technology debuts
Nitrogen removal technology
Online toolset for E&P operations launched
Online toolset for E&P operations launched
Saudi Aramco, WellDynamics team up
Saudi Aramco, WellDynamics intelligent upstream completion technology, are jointly developing a range of new technologies for multizone, multilateral intelligent completions.
US Interior Department raises royalties
Gulf of Mexico
World's biggest vessel gets under way
Allseas Pieter Schelte, platform installation, decommissioning and pipelay vessel
Another Perspective
A graphics revolution in the making
Geoscientists and engineers can look forward to maximizing their application's performance using today's highly sophisticated multicore-processor, multi-GPU hardware.
Assess drilling risk more effectively
A new drilling risk assessment model goes beyond Monte Carlo simulation to determine the expected value, adjusted for risk, of each prospect.
Casing Drive System drives safety, efficiency
The growth of a less experienced workforce in the field makes it imperative to increase safety by reducing or eliminating exposure to risks.
Challenging the role of visualization
Next-generation data processing, interpretation, modeling and simulation applications will take advantage of combined visualization and compute capabilities.
Choose integration for technology
Successful development of deeper and more ancient reservoirs in the Gulf of Mexico deep water calls for an integrated approach.
Coiled tubing drilling goes deeper
Rapid progress in Coil Over Top Drive (COTD) drilling technology is creating a paradigm shift as these rigs drill to 14,000 ft (4,268 m) as effectively as the best conventional drilling rigs. More advances are on the horizon.
Contractor focuses on new technology
The smorgasbord of new land acquisition systems might seem overwhelming. Global Geophysical helps sort out their advantages.
Data reconciliation adds control
Online process modeling plus statistical data reconciliation increases gas revenues.
Drilling automation - are we there yet?
Drilling automation used to be ahead of its time. Now, the times are catching up.
Drilling optimization manages risk
Downhole data acquisition and diagnostic tool enables immediate corrective action and monitors its effects.
Filling the gap
Nodes and streamer data are integrated for geophysical monitoring over a deepwater FPSO installation.
Finding fractures the hard way
When traditional openhole logging techniques were denied, one company turned to an innovative combination of modeling and unique cased hole evaluation using Sonic Scanner technology.
Friendly cement debuts in North Sea
Cementing packages additives pose little threat to environment.
Geology offers inviting prospects
Deepwater sediments provide opportunity along West Africa coastline.
Grane gives up heavy Norway oil
Careful pre-planning and intelligent use of proven technology optimize reservoir recovery.
Internal breakers take VES fluids deeper
Frac fluid stands up to higher temperatures.
MWP: Modeling While Picking
A combination of two software tools provides a greater understanding of the rock physics of a reservoir.
Optical sensors map North Sea field
Permanent in-well monitoring provides a long-lasting reference point for an ocean-bottom 4-D seismic project.
Optimizing Petronius production
A horizontal pumping system offers a cost-effective and reliable solution for a critical seawater injection well to sustain reservoir potential.
Poor solids control has economic consequences
The economic consequences of solids control practices affect not only trouble costs but also drilling performance.
Reservoirs grow with software help
Clear explanation of requirements allows tailored software solutions.
Short fairings tame riser drift
New fairing system for drilling risers speeds installation, assures retrieval.
Smart fields available now
Cost-effectively estimate oil, water and gas flows for all wells all the time.
Software makes wellbore visualization reality
Three-dimensional wellbore visualization is changing perception of the downhole environment.
Tailored fluids improve shale drilling efficiency
Water-based fluid with a proprietary shale stabilizing agent cut average per-well drilling fluid cost in half.
Technology tames flowline issues
The oilpatch finds solutions for moving product in high heat and pressure conditions.
Understanding the azimuth challenge
New offshore acquisition methods are improving the illumination of subsurface targets.
Unique mix eliminates cleanup need
Delayed reaction downhole lowers completion cost for operator.
Visualization on an affordable scale
A "scalable desktop" with keyboard, mouse and Windows interface reduces or eliminates the learning curve while maximizing ease of use.
Visualizing spectral decomposition volumes
A vast amount of geologic detailed information can be seen when utilizing spectral decomposition.
Wanted: low-cost pumping for gas wells
Increasing production from deeper marginal gas wells will depend on the development of new, low-power, low-cost technology that will reliably and economically remove small liquid volumes.
International Spotlight
Consider open innovation
Because global energy demand is expected to increase 50% by 2030, oil and gas companies must adapt rapidly in an exceedingly dynamic energy landscape and grow in a sustainable fashion.
World Map
A small company with big ideas
SCAN Geophysical has gone from start-up to a company to reckon with in a short period of time.