E&P Magazine - May 2015
The subsea sector has been one of the offshore industry’s biggest success stories of the last decade, being the fastest-growing market segment and set to remain on a forecast long-term growth curve. But times are changing.
As I See It
Bright Spots Amid The Storm Clouds
As we near the start of any annual event—in this case the Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) in Houston—it’s natural to step back and take stock of the past year.
Cover Story
Changing Times, Changing Cultures
The subsea sector has been one of the offshore industry’s biggest success stories of the last decade, being the fastest-growing market segment and set to remain on a forecast long-term growth curve. But times are changing.
New Venture Seeks To Transform Offshore Field Development Projects
Consultancy envisions greater certainty in design and planning stages with overhaul of operator-contractor relationship.
Rediscovering Offshore
The offshore industry is innovating anew across the board because what was previously ‘business as usual’ practice is no longer good enough in this global game.
Exploration Technologies
Start ’Em Young
A program aimed at students from economically disadvantaged areas gets them out of the city and into the field.
Drilling Technologies
Global Oilfield Equipment, Services Market Could Face Rapid Turnaround
If this downturn follows the pattern of downturns since 1999, the industry could expect to increase by 10% in 2016.
Completions and Production
Next Wave Of Unconventional Development
A scientific approach will help operators rejuvenate production of their shale wells.
Offshore Advances
Offshore’s New Challenges Call For New Thinking
An era of oil and gas abundance will change the playing field for operators.
Digital Solutions
Nexus Of Knowledge
New data exchange system connects researchers to data, tools and each other.
2015 Meritorious Awards for Engineering Innovation
An expert panel of judges has selected the top 17 industry projects that open new and better avenues to the complicated process of finding and producing hydrocarbons around the world.
Can Produced Or Flowback Water Be Reused As Fracturing Fluid?
New fluid system successfully utilizes produced and flowback water as clean, low-residue stimulation fluid.
China’s Yards Confirm Competitive Capability
Chinese shipyards are taking on challenging projects and stepping into a new global role.
Collaborative Approach For Innovative Western Isles Mooring Solution
Companies take on the design and manufacture of essential parts of a mooring system to be used in a challenging area of the North Sea.
Completing By The Numbers
Numerical and statistical analyses of shale plays turn up some interesting results.
Deepwater Angola Precommissioning Relies On Successful Critical Steps
Precommissioning and inspection of pipeline for CLOV field cluster is successful with careful planning.
EM Data At A Time Of Low Prices
Complementary tool helps with prospecting, high-grading and well placement.
FAR Energy Hooks A Big Catch
The Melbourne-based junior’s profile was raised recently with the first offshore Senegal discovery in 20 years. Managing Director Cath Norman explains the significance of the discovery and where the company can go from here.
Fewer Completions Sandbag Proppant Demand
Service providers expect demand to stabilize mid-year.
Industry Takes Another Step Into Ultra-HP/HT Future
The next step into HP/HT pressure control will require 30,000-psi BOPs and control equipment.
Meteoric History Of Cantarell Field Continues For Pemex
In July 2014, Pemex agreed to spend $6 billion on the Akal Field to stabilize production and extend the field’s historic run.
Mexico: Land Of Bidding Opportunity
Participation in early phases of Round 1 shows interest in the country’s newly opened energy sector is high.
Reducing Oily Water Waste Streams Minimizes Offshore Waste Logistics
The most cost-effective and legally compliant method in offshore environments is to treat the oil-contaminated waste stream at the source.
Technology, Innovation And Collaboration Drive Produced Water Strategy
E&P firms need strategic partners with the ability to provide proprietary technology, global project management and rapid response to address their specific produced water challenges and optimize operations and returns.
The Bakken: Not Dead, Just Resting
New technologies help this play enjoy sweeter dreams.
Treating Water Better
Recent developments in fracturing fluid and water treatment technology encourage the use of produced water for hydraulic fracturing.
Vertical Pipelay Vessel Works Deepwater Offshore Brazil
Vessel Spotlight
Whole New World
The application of marine seismic technology to the Mexican GoM will unveil new horizons.
Tech Watch
Utah’s Oil Sands Go Green
Company moves into production mode with the first environmentally friendly oil sands project in the U.S.
Tech Trends
Tech Trends
Tech Trends
Activity Highlights
International Highlights
International Highlights
On The Move
On The Move
On The Move