E&P Magazine - November 2019
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The November issue of E&P focuses on digital transformation. Other features cover basin modeling, cementing advances, fracture fluid optimization, emissions management and decommissioning. This issue also includes an ADIPEC technology showcase. The unconventional report focuses on Oklahoma, and the regional report covers Australia.
As I See It
Permission To Fail
The only way to fly is to first trust the fall.
Cover Story
Digital Transformation: In Progress
The oil and gas industry’s efforts to reinvent itself in a digital world are underway.
Moving Past The Hype At Pluto LNG
An Australian operator is putting AI to good use in its flagship facility.
Putting Big Data To Work For Offshore Insights
A modeling suite addresses key knowledge gaps to improve the prediction and evaluation of offshore systems for improved spill prevention and more.
The Strategic Path To Digital Transformation
Energy companies work to identify opportunities, challenges and methodologies of new technologies.
Industry Pulse
Structural Integrity Management Data Help Decommissioning
A SIM system ensures that assumptions made in the design phase are safely controlled and managed throughout the life cycle of the structure.
Market Intelligence
Three Blasts From The Past
Experimental nuclear detonations 50 years ago served as early day precursors to the horizontal drilling and multistage fracture stimulation methodology that has boosted U.S. natural gas supply to levels well beyond domestic consumption.
Drilling Technologies
Waste Not, Want Not
Innovation delivers first deployment of a hybrid energy storage system aboard a floating drilling unit.
Completions and Production
Can The Industry Meet The ‘Challenge Of A Generation’?
Industry leaders are making responsible energy development a priority.
Special Report
ADIPEC To Feature Industry’s Latest Tech Developments
Along with technical sessions, conference panels and networking events, new technologies will be one of the major highlights of the show.
Shale Solutions
Recent Trends In Perforating For Limited-entry Stimulation
Economic improvement is driving technology.
Unconventional Diagnostics For Unconventional Wells
New fracture flow diagnostics help operators elevate fracture performance.
Operator Solutions
Isolate Vertical Movement Resulting From Heave
A direct line compensator improved safety and reduced conventional rigup time during a two-well offshore intervention program.
Subsea Compression: Developing Solutions To Keep Gas Flowing
As oil and gas fields become depleted, energy companies are looking at how they can extend the life of operating fields, unlocking low-pressure reserves from reservoirs to maintain plateau production rates.
A Clean Approach To Radioactive Waste Management In Hydraulic Fracturing Operations
Resin-coated proppant selectively sequesters radium downhole.
Advances In Technology Enable Engineered Emissions Controls
Combining technology and engineering produces efficiency in emissions management.
Avoiding Demolition Dangers Through Effective Planning
These insights into how best to approach decommissioning and demolition will help companies achieve optimal success.
Driving Down The Dollars
Developments in P&A technology can encourage decommissioning progress.
Minimizing The Effects Of Fracture Hits Using Real-time Designs
A Delaware Basin case study demonstrates various techniques to minimize parent and child well interactions.
Modern Cementing For Today’s Horizontal Wells
Utilizing the most modern practices for cementing is one area that offers significant value.
MPC In Narrow Pressure Windows
The use of managed pressure cementing delivers success in difficult deepwater wells.
Next-generation Green Friction Reducer
An alternative to the conventional inverse emulsion polymers improves performance in freshwater to high TDS produced waters.
Unconventional Report
Oklahoma Producers Still Standing
Leasing hot spots, improved drilling metrics and more reveal some silver lining in the cloud hanging over Midcontinent producers.
Regional Report
Australia Bustling With Exploration And Discovery
The energy industry witnessed record production as state governments and operators ramped up operations.
Tech Watch
Ensuring The Four-way Match
Mobile field operations software ensures accuracy in pressure pumping invoicing.
Optimizing Production Of Mature Waterflood Assets With Physics-based AI
Technology is applied to injector reactivation to assess flexibility in new workflows for reservoir management.
Tech Trends
Tech Trends
Check out the latest products and services for the upstream oil and gas industry.
Activity Highlights
International Highlights
Check out the latest activity highlights from around the world.
On The Move
On The Move
Check out the latest new hires, appointments and promotions as well as new company office and facility openings.
Last Word
A Value-chain Approach To Reducing Emissions
A group of companies is working together to reduce methane emissions across the supply chain to ensure the sustainability of natural gas.