E&P Magazine - June 2020
In the June issue of E&P, the cover story focuses on completions lessons with exclusive interviews with Reveal Energy Services, Daneshy Consulting International, Halliburton, Ambyint, Birchcliff Energy and more.
This month's features address frontier exploration, drill bits, and decommissioning and disposal.
This issue also showcases a special report on emissions management. This articles discusses how operators and service providers maintain a long-term view on emissions management.
The World View article, "Middle East economies choked by low prices," covers the Middle East and how some are scaling back projects in an effort to survive.
The unconventional report highlights the Haynesville Shale, in which Rystad Energy reports LNG exports are on the decline.
As I See It
From E&P Executive Editor: Altered Reality
Like life, the energy industry’s digital transformation is moving pretty fast.
Cover Story
Cracking the Shale Code
The hard-learned lessons of the past decade can shape shale’s future.
Making the Case for Data Sharing
Oil and gas operators are driving sustained efficiencies by sharing their drilling data.
World View
E&P World View: Middle East Economies Choked by Low Prices
While some oil producers in the Gulf region have taken a massive hit, others are scaling back projects in an effort to survive.
Industry Pulse
E&P Industry Pulse: Conserve R&D Budgets and Focus on External Technologies
Technology scouting programs can help preserve R&D capital for oil and gas companies by looking to other industries for crossover innovation.
E&P Industry Pulse: Leading Innovation Today
Key actions oil and gas leaders can take now to innovate effectively.
Completions and Production
Preserving Today’s Oil Wells for Tomorrow’s Production
Pickling as part of the shut-in process can help extend the shelf life of a well.
Offshore Advances
E&P Offshore Advances: Upstream Industry Joins COVID-19 Fight
An offshore service provider develops a testing facility for homeless communities.
Special Report
E&P Special Report: Keeping a Lid on GHG Emissions
Oil and gas operators and service providers maintain a long-term view on emissions management.
Digital Solutions
E&P Digital Solutions: Six Levels of Digital Oilfield Maturity
A true digital oil field delivers operational excellence by providing significant advantages in reporting and analytics.
E&P Digital Solutions: Traditional Models of Operating Are Evolving to Meet Present Demands
A remote operations center enables performance benchmarking and drilling optimization, improving consistency and performance.
Offshore Solutions
E&P Offshore Solutions: Weathering a Network Storm
Dynamic positioning control systems, when flooded with too much data, can potentially lose position and other critical functions.
Operator Solutions
E&P Operator Solutions: A Different Way to Think About Wellbore Surveying
Solid-state gyro system improves accuracy in cleanout BHA in Gulf of Mexico.
E&P Drilling Spotlight: Stratigraphic Zonation for Model-based Bit Design
A novel application for drilling optimization proves successful in the Brazilian deepwater presalt.
E&P Offshore: A Novel Approach to a Growing Problem
A vessel-led approach to surface intervention addresses the issue of retiring deepwater and ultradeepwater pipeline assets.
E&P Spotlight: Managing Transitional Drilling Challenges
A new active torque cutting structure is saving millions of dollars in transitional drilling applications for oil and gas operators.
Frontier Exploration: Mega-merged 3D Seismic in the Vaca Muerta, Neuquén Basin
A basin-scale geocellular model provides a tool for sweetspot identification in Argentina’s Vaca Muerta Shale located in the Neuquén Basin.
Frontier Exploration: Will Gas Hydrates Be Developed with Other Biogenic Gas Plays?
The time line for international R&D to demonstrate safe, sustainable and economically feasible gas hydrate production is on the horizon.
Unconventional Report
E&P Unconventional Report: LNG Exports to Decline for Haynesville Shale
Analysis reveals a 20% output decline in a $1.80 to $1.90 Henry Hub scenario for the shale gas play.
Tech Watch
E&P Tech Watch: Catalyst-Free PDC Cutter Technology to Drive Drilling Efficiencies
A new manufacturing process optimizes PDC cutter performance.
Tech Trends
E&P Tech Trends: Remote 3D Data Capture Service; Virtual Training for Offshore; More
Check out the latest products and services for the upstream oil and gas industry including a remote deployment model by Acoustic Data for a wireless monitoring system to overcome travel restrictions related to COVID-19.
Activity Highlights
International Highlights
Check out the latest E&P highlights from around the world.
On The Move
On the Move
Check out the latest new hires, appointments and promotions as well as new company office and facility openings.
Last Word
E&P Last Word: A Standards Approach to Specifying Fluid System Components
Certified materials ensure repeatability and reliability.