Russia To Consider Extending Oil Output Cut With OPEC

Deputy PM says Moscow will consider oil prices vs. loss of market share in decision.

May 29, 2019

Energy Secretary Rick Perry Says Sanctions Bill On Nord Stream 2 Coming Soon

United States Energy Secretary Rick Perry said on Tuesday that a sanctions bill putting onerous restrictions on companies involved in the Nord Stream 2 project would come in the "not too distant future.”

May 21, 2019

Nord Stream 2 Launch Could Be Delayed To Next Year

Delays in obtaining permits from Denmark are blamed for the setback.

May 17, 2019

Senators Offer Bill Targeting Russia-Germany Pipeline

Bill would impose travel and financial sanctions on those involved with building Nord Stream 2.

May 15, 2019

OPEC In The Dark On Oil Supply As Russia, Iran Cut Exports

OPEC sources said there were conflicting views on the significance of the Russian outage, and that the complexity of Russia's pipeline system meant the issue was not straightforward.

May 10, 2019

Russia Delivers Clean Oil To Mozyr Refinery In Belarus

The Russian energy ministry said on May 4 that clean Russian crude oil meeting all quality requirements had arrived at the Mozyr refinery in Belarus, after contaminated crude led it to halt flows in the pipeline last week.

May 4, 2019

Russian Oil Output Falls In April But Fails To Reach Reduction Target

Officials want to raise the production quota, pointing to improved market conditions.

May 2, 2019

Key Players: Offshore Operators Foresee Vast Potential

These 25 offshore key players are increasing production and efficiencies.

May 1, 2019

Belarus Says Months Needed To Restore Clean Oil Supply Via Druzhba Pipeline

Long suspension could cut refining operations in Eastern Europe and reduce Russian output.

April 30, 2019

Putin Hopes Iran Will Continue Oil Exports Despite US Warning

Saudi Arabia is expected to make up the deficit but the Russian leader said he knows of no plans to increase production.

April 29, 2019