Buru Energy Produces First Oil From Australia’s Canning Basin Field

The Ungani-1/ST1 well has initial test rates in excess of 2,000 bopd.

June 1, 2012

Exoma Energy Gives Operational Update On Australia Shale Well

The shale chips showed signs of hydrocarbons during sampling and will be analysed as part of Exoma's 2012 shale appraisal program.

June 1, 2012

Senex Strikes Oil In Australia’s Cooper Basin Well

Wireline logs and side-wall cores confirmed the presence of a 10.3 m (33.7 ft) gross oil column in the Birkhead formation with interpreted net oil pay of at least 6.5 m (21.3 ft).

May 31, 2012

Senex Energy Completes Fracture Stimulation Program In Cooper Basin Well

The stimulation program targeted four intervals within the Permian section via a 4½” cased test well, successfully fracture stimulating the Patchawarra tight sands, as well as the Roseneath and Murteree shales.

May 30, 2012

Oil Basins Ltd. Discovers Oil In Australia’s Canning Basin

Evident initial flow rates were recorded in excess of 1000 bpd with permeability estimated at 750 millidarcy.

May 29, 2012

Armour Energy Sees Gas Shows In Australia Shale Well

The gas show was encountered during air mist drilling in a tight calcite cemented dolomitic shale with poor porosity and permeability.

May 25, 2012

Armour Energy Searches For Tight Gas In Australia Basin

Armour's primary objective for the Holdgate-1 well is the Strzelecki Group onshore Gippsland Basin,

May 24, 2012

Australian-Canadian Oil Royalties Completes Cooper Basin Farmout

Australian-Canadian Oil Royalties Ltd. announced the completion of a definitive farmout agreement with Terra Nova Minerals Inc. on the exploration of its Australian Cooper Basin holdings.

May 24, 2012

Drillsearch Launches Production At Cooper Basin Field

Initial gross production has commenced at a rate of 800 barrels per day (b/d).

May 22, 2012

Senex Launches Drilling On Cooper Basin Well

The primary target is the oil-bearing sands of the Murta Member.

May 22, 2012